Tweet - "Six years ago, a horrifying act of mass murder at Pulse Nightclub stole away 49 lives, injured more than 50 others and left countless loved ones shattered. This hateful act devastated a sanctuary of safety and solidarity for Orlando's LGBTQ community."

Social Media

Date: June 12, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

"Six years ago, a horrifying act of mass murder at Pulse Nightclub stole away 49 lives, injured more than 50 others and left countless loved ones shattered. This hateful act devastated a sanctuary of safety and solidarity for Orlando's LGBTQ community.

Last year, the Congress proudly and solemnly voted to honor these 49 beautiful souls by immortalizing Pulse as a national memorial. And now, we are fighting to protect communities from the scourge of hate-fueled terror and prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again.

Shortly after the attack at Pulse, it was my sad privilege to visit with survivors in Orlando. They shared a simple, urgent plea: that our nation's leaders honor the memory of their loved ones not with empty words, but with action.

House Democrats remain committed to getting common-sense gun violence prevention legislation across the finish line, and we will not rest until the job is done."

